Small hand crank generator has a rated voltage of >4.5 VAC, 3-phase operation, and a rated speed of 3000 r/min. It supports CW and CCW rotation, operates between -10°C and +60°C, and performs reliably in 30%-90% humidity. Testing ensures speeds >3200 r/min at -5°C to +35°C. With a rated current of ≥240 mA, it outputs >6.5 VDC, maintaining <0.5 VAC voltage difference and a line resistance of 13 Ω ± 1 Ω. Suitable for hand crank radio, hand crank rechargeable.
- Powerful Performance: Delivers strong and consistent power output for various applications.
- Durable and Long-lasting: Designed for extended usage with high-quality materials.
- Refined Copper Wire: Ensures efficient energy transfer and improved reliability.
- Quiet Technology: Operates with minimal noise for a comfortable user experience.
- Stable Operation: Maintains steady performance under different conditions.
- Stainless Steel Construction: Corrosion-resistant and built for durability in demanding environments.
Small Hand Crank Generator Size

Usage Instructions
Small hand crank generator is mainly used for charging small batteries. Therefore, the generator needs to convert AC to DC, requiring rectification and filtering. The circuit diagram is as follows:

F: Generator, where the three output wires can be connected to diodes (D) in any order, regardless of phase.
D: Diode, recommended model 1N4001.
C: Capacitor, with a capacity range of 470μF to 2000μF and a voltage rating of 50V.
After rectification, the DC output voltage is higher than the AC output voltage. The DC voltage is approximately 1.3 times the AC voltage. For example, if the unloaded AC output voltage is 8V, the corresponding DC output voltage will be around 10.4V.