Debunking Solar Myths in Michigan

Solar energy is rapidly gaining popularity across the United States, and Michigan is no exception. However, several myths persist that deter people from adopting solar power. In this blog, we aim to debunk these myths. You might be wondering, ‘Are solar panels worth it in Michigan?’ Well, hundreds of people already have made the add solar, and more are joining every day.

At Powerhome, we know that some Michiganders may be skeptical whether solar panels in Michigan are worth the investment. As a company with high quality solar panels, we're here to debunk some of the most common solar myths in Michigan.

Myth: There is no incentive for renewable energy in Michigan

If you thought there was no incentive for renewable energy in Michigan, how does a 26% federal tax credit5 sound? Unlike a deduction, a tax credit can be applied to taxes that are owed. When you prepare to file your taxes, your 30% tax credit will be applied to your taxes due. If you have prepaid your taxes through payroll deduction, then you will receive back whatever portion your credit allows. If your taxes are less than the credit, you are allowed to carry forward unused credit to the following year. But remember, Powerhome is not a tax professional, so you must consult your local tax professional for details about how your situation applies.

Incentive for renewable energy

Myth: Solar panels aren't allowed on farmland

Previous policy barred solar power development for those in Michigan's Farmland and Open Space Preservation program, which covers about one-third of the state's 10 million acres of farmland. However, a June ruling by Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced a policy change that would allow solar energy development on up to 3.4 million acres of farmland. Under certain conditions, landowners may now put commercial solar panels on their land.

Myth: Michigan doesn't have enough sunlight for solar panels

This myth could not be further from the truth. In fact, Michigan gets significantly more sunlight than Germany --- approximately 25% more --- despite Germany being the world leader in solar deployment for decades. Michigan's latitude and climate allow for excellent solar production, as solar panels, much like most electronics, actually perform better when they are cold. This means that your panels will produce more power for each hour of sunshine, even during the shortest days of winter.

Myth: Solar panels won't produce energy when it is cloudy

Again, the myth of Michigan being “too cloudy,” or solar panels in Michigan not receiving enough sunlight is completely false. All a solar panel needs to produce energy is sunlight. Even on a cloudy day, sunlight is still available. When the sun ray's reach your solar panels, they will continue to make energy, despite the clouds in the sky.

Myth: I can't have solar panels in hail states

Incorrect. While they are made of tempered glass, solar panels are designed to withstand hail of larger than 1 inch in diameter. However, it is important to have solar panels added to your homeowners insurance policy in case of a catastrophic event. Many insurers will add solar panels for little to no added cost to your premium.

Myth: Snow will impact solar panel productivity and upkeep

For the most part, snow on solar panels in Michigan is self clearing. Most panels are installed on an angle, so snow slides off panels naturally. However, if your panels are completely covered in snow, it will halt energy production. To remove snow, most people simply brush off the snow with a rubberized solar panel rake --- but don't worry about needing to get all of the snow off. All that figures to be necessary is to clear the snow that's in the front of the panel and a portion of the panel's surface. When the sun hits the panels, the snow will begin melting and shed the rest of snow, making for an easy cleanup. Even better, the snow can reflect light and help improve PV performance and overall panel productivity.

Snow solar panel

Solar panels have no moving parts to maintain, and really all that is necessary is cleaning the dust or dirt off roughly twice per year --- just as you would clear the gutters of your roof at the end of a season.

Myth: Solar panels attract lightning

No, solar panels do not attract lightning. While lightning is attracted to the highest items in an area, and solar systems are often present as roof installations, the panels themselves do not attract lightning. Additionally, a grounding rod above the roof's surface can mitigate even the slightest chance of lightning striking during a storm.

Myth: My home is too small for solar panels

At Powerhome, your consultant will analyze your roof and shading as well as current electric bills and see what size system makes sense for you. Then, we'll build a custom proposal for you based solely on your individual criteria. Even small homes can house a solar panel array. Just check out our gallery to see how we've made solar work for Michigan homes.

The myth that solar panels don't belong in Michigan has gone on far too long. The benefits of solar go way beyond savings. Make a positive impact on the environment by going green, save some green in your pocket, and own your own power. Join Powerhome by making the add solar today.

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